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Q&A: Fifi, the dog that flew business class from Hong Kong to Paris and went viral

We’ve asked humans many times about their in-flight routines, and yet humans aren’t the only mammals to board a plane. When Fifi, a jet-setting dachshund, went viral earlier this month for flying business class in grand style, we knew we had to get the inside scoop.

What is it like to lead a life of luxury on four paws? There’s no dog better to ask than Fifi, a four-year old dachshund who travels the world with her mother, Helen Rosalie. The dog mum and dog-friendly travel influencer went viral earlier this year, when a clip of Fifi was shared the world over. It showed the adorable therapy dog fast asleep in a business class bed, tucked under a business class duvet, and resting her little head on a business class pillow. Even those of us who only know the sweet embrace of an aisle seat and blood clots in economy, felt the feels watching this clip.

[Hero and Featured Image Credit: @fifilittledarling/Instagram]

Meet Fifi, the dachshund that flew business class from Hong Kong to Paris

The video garnered plenty of attention from pet parents around the globe, and Helen has since shared a wealth of knowledge about travelling with pets. Which airlines provide the best service? What are the requirements and restrictions? And where can your pet use the toilet when in transit?

Nevertheless, fame comes with a price, and not everyone has been supportive. Netizens were fast to bite back at the pet parent for spoiling her dog with a privileged lifestyle, and questioning whether pets should be allowed to fly business class in the first place.

It’s an interesting subject that has arisen only in recent years, as the pet service industry becomes evermore powerful, and some, like Helen, view their pets as real extensions of their families. In fact, to clap back at all the haters, Helen has described Fifi as her “daughter.”

So long as the conversation keeps on growing, we wanted to cut through the noise and speak directly to the star of the hour. What does a pupper’s in-flight routine look like? Is there such a thing as doggie champagne? And how do our furry friends deal with jet lag? Read on for all of Fifi’s answers, as well as her super insightful travel tips should you be considering flying business class with your best bud, too.

An interview with Fifi, on what it’s like to be a fierce and fabulous frequent flier dog

Hi Fifi, it’s so lovely to chat with you. You’ve gone viral with your latest in-flight video. Tell us, were you always this fabulous?

🐾  Lovely to chat to you too! Yes I’ve always been this fabulous and I have high expectations, being a stubborn little sausage dog I know how to get everything I want, it’s like I put a spell on humans with my puppy eyes [does the puppy eyes].

As a jet-setting dog, what are a few of your travel essentials? Do you have an in-flight routine?

🐾 My travel essentials are:

-My Hermès dog collar and Apple Air Tag. I’m small and so Mum never wants to lose me, even in the sky.
-Cosy blankets. I love to have lots of layers to keep warm.
-Portable water bowl.
-Tasty liver paste from Arden Grange which we import from Britain.
-My travel bag. I love it — it fits perfectly on top of Mum’s hand luggage suitcase so I can be wheeled around.

What’s your go-to airport outfit?

🐾 My ultimate travel outfit is my customised made-to-measure knitted jumper from Knits By Tee, which has a big “F” for “Fabulous,” and I guess it’s my name too.

What is your favourite movie to watch on board? How do you pass the time on long haul flights?

🐾 I don’t have time to watch movies whilst on board as I’m too busy sleeping — as soon as we take off I’ve passed out. The airplane sounds are like a relaxing white noise for me and they make me sleepy! Mum did watch a movie called Dog apparently. She said it was good, but not as good as me.

How’s the dog food in business class? Do you sip Dog Pawrignon Champagne?

🐾 Mum let me have some of her meat off her antipasto, because she’s really weird and doesn’t eat meat. However, I like to do a cleanse on the flight and not consume too much for obvious reasons [glances quietly over at dog poop bags]. I hope one day there will be a grassy area where we can run around and do our business instead of holding our bladders in business!

How do you fight jet lag after landing? Is there such a thing in your world?

🐾 Jet lag is really fun! You wake up Mum and Dad when it’s still dark and get extra time with them!

For all the other puppers out there reading this and thinking about flying business, what are some tips you can share? 

🐾 I can share these tips:

-Plan your trip in advance.
-Do your research and learn about the airline you are flying, as they all have different requirements.
-Pack lots of pee pads and anti bacterial wipes, as some airports don’t have pet relief areas.
-Limit water and food before the flight.
-Dress warm because airplanes can be really cold! I’m used to the tropics in Hong Kong, but when I landed it Paris my paws were freezing and I refused to walk. I demanded to be carried.

Lastly, what are your upcoming travel plans? In which business class cabin could we catch you snoozing next?

🐾 We are now in the USA and travelling with pets in the cabin is super easy. We are based in South Carolina and have trips planned to Miami and LA soon.

Dog Dad is a private jet captain and I hope he can squeeze me onto one of his flights — there are too many people in business making noises and waking me up when I’m trying to rest.

Ah, to be in the one pawcent. You can follow more of Fifi’s adventures over on Fifi Little Darling on Instagram.

Shop Hermès dog collar (THB 26,350)

Shop Apple Air Tag (THB 1190)

Q&A: Fifi, the dog that flew business class from Hong Kong to Paris and went viral

Lisa Gries

Creative Content Director, Bangkok

Lisa is the Creative Content Director at Lifestyle Asia and Prestige Thailand. When she’s not knees-deep in SEO analysis or editorial calendars, you’ll likely find her in downward-facing dog at the yoga studio, or immersed in conversation at a secret bar in China town. Lisa writes mostly on dining, travel, and pop-culture, and is a huge fan of soup dumplings, Riesling, and power napping — in exactly that order.

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