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Steer clear of these unlucky plants to avoid bad luck in 2025

Planting shrubs, trees or climbers in and around the house has been common practice for ages. Besides increasing the aesthetic appeal of their living space, people also do it in hopes of attracting wealth and prosperity. Know all about the unlucky house plants that could bring bad luck so that you can avoid them and nurture positive energy in 2025.

Keep these plants, that bring bad luck, out of your living space

Cotton and related plants (Gossypieae)

Image credit: Amol Sonar/Pixabay

Although pleasing to look at with its soft rounds of fluffy tufts, this is considered a bad luck plant to be kept indoors. The plant has several thorns that are also a hazard, especially to babies and elder family members.

Another reason this is considered among unlucky plants is because it attracts a lot of dust and is difficult to clean and maintain. The cotton plant is considered a harbinger of negativity and is associated with the draining of finances and loss of business.

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)

There are a lot of myths associated with the tamarind tree in Southeast Asia. Homeowners are forewarned about avoiding the construction of a living space in or around this particular plant. Mythologically, this plant is said to attract evil spirits who thrive in their shade.

Traditionally, these plants are considered unlucky to the residents and said to cause health concerns and poverty.

Acacia (Vachellia nilotica)

 plants that bring bad luck
Image credit: Sandipoutsider/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons

The Acacia or Gum Arabic plant looks striking with its lush green foliage and bright yellow round flowers. It could easily used to spruce up a space but experts advise against it. This plant’s thorny texture is said to bring disharmony to a family.

It is counted among the unlucky plants to avoid because it supposedly causes strained relationships between family members. It is said that there is a rise in interpersonal fights and ego issues if one continues to keep the Babul plant.

But if a native wants to still plant this for its medicinal properties, they could do so outdoors after consulting an expert.

Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Image credit: Vijayanrajapuram/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons

Henna leaves are traditionally used in Indian and Arabic cultures to draw patterns on hands and feet before any auspicious occasion. It is thus surprising that planting a Henna tree in a pot inside the house might disrupt the energy flow.

The leaves have staining properties and their juice leaves a rich orange or maroon colour on the skin. This quality of the plant is associated with bad luck and negative energy. It is also associated with bad health of the family members.

Cactus (Cactaceae)

plants that bring bad luck
Image credit: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Cactus plant, especially with sharp edges and leaves laced with small thorns, is said to be avoided at all costs. The pointed foliage is said to bring the spirit of anger and war between the family members inside the house.

Not just cactuses but even a plant like a rose should not be kept inside the house for the same reason.

Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)

plants that bring bad luck
Image credit: Vijayanrajapuram/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons

This plant with pointy, little dark drooping leaves and white flowers is a delight to look at but has an equally destabilising effect. This plant is said to create an imbalance of the energies in the house which can cause long-term issues to the home dwellers. Therefore, the weeping fig is counted among the plants that bring bad luck.

Any dead plant

Even though this might seem obvious, it is extremely inauspicious to keep a dead plant with falling leaves and broken stems to keep at home. While fresh green plants with blooming flowers elevate the house’s decor and bring feelings of joy and peace among the homeowners, the dead plants work in exactly the opposite manner.

One is advised to maintain their plants, especially the ones that are placed inside the house. Otherwise, it is best to not keep any plants at all.

(Hero image and featured image credit: Designecologist/Unsplash)

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the unluckiest plant in 2025?

Cotton, tamarind and henna are some unlucky plants to avoid in 2025.

Which plants should I avoid at home in 2025?

Cactus, thorny shrubs, bonsai and dead plants are to be avoided at home in 2025.

Which plants bring bad luck for business?

Fake plants and cotton plants are said to drain the finances of the home.

Written by

Steer clear of these unlucky plants to avoid bad luck in 2025

Preeti Kulkarni

Senior Digital Writer, Astrology and Wellness

After completing her PG in New Media from the Asian College of Journalism, Preeti has worked in a daily and a magazine before finding her calling in digital journalism. A lover of single malts and an avid pop culture junkie, you can catch her at the movies on weekends or binge-watching the latest shows on OTT when she is not busy preparing her toddler for his Hogwarts letter.

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