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Professional Dessert Indulger Patricia Good Talks About Being a Dessert Lover

Iced chocolate is the scrumptious reward that Patricia Good often gives herself as a mood booster. 

A while into the conversation, we __ how simple the life of this 25-year-old actress_, Patricia Good, is. She told us that on a free day, she’ll lay around watching TV series, catch up on the script in the afternoon, finish her tasks, then some more script reading, then TV series, then head to bed. A simple loop of activities like that. She also claimed that she’s not into outdoor activities and is more of a homebody. Today, she shared with us what her day is like, and as someone who adores food, what she has throughout the day.

A Fibrous Breakfast

Many Thai people start their day with quite a heavy breakfast, from congee, rice with toppings, boiled rice, pork skewers with sticky rice, to soybean milk with Chinese donuts. But for Americans or Europeans, their choices are ham, sunny side-up eggs, bread, and oatmeal. “For breakfast, it depends. Sometimes I even skip breakfast if I wake up late. But I’ve been waking up rather early nowadays, so I’ll have oatmeal with some fruit; raspberries, blueberries, or bananas. Oatmeal is very tasty to me. I started having them as a snack, but now it’s my go-to breakfast.”

Simple Meals

Pat said that she’s the complete opposite of a picky eater. Aside from the morning oatmeal, she never finds a problem in having every other meal on set since she’s down to try anything. “Other meals are quite easy. If I’m working, my lunch and dinner would be whatever is served on set that day. Typically, they have a la carte or simple Thai food, so I would eat on the set. If I’m home, I’ll grab something simple. Maybe a sandwich for lunch and an omelet over rice for dinner. I’m very simple like that (smiled).”

Sweet Over Savoury

No one doesn’t love sweets. All of us have at least one favourite dessert, maybe an ice cream, a cake, or a bar of chocolate, or maybe all of above. Just like Pat whose eyes lit up when we asked her what’s her dessert of choice. “Oh, where to even start? I’m such a dessert lover. You can ask anyone that knows me, they know how much I love sweets. Honestly, I’m not much of a savoury person. If I have to choose, I’ll choose sweet. Chocolate, ice cream, cakes, I go all out all the time.”

She also said that aside from the dessert she eagerly listed out, iced chocolate, her favourite drink, is a reward she often gives herself. “My favourite drink has to be iced chocolate. I love it. If I feel like treating myself, I’ll have a glass of iced chocolate. Definitely have a glass on weekends.”

The Word ‘Diet’ Does Not Exist

Though always in impeccable shape, Pat said she also likes unhealthy food like everybody else, plus, she added that she rarely goes on a diet as a balanced lifestyle is all about good health, not just good shape. “As for dieting, I’m not the one who gets caught up on the word ‘diet’. If I want to have a pizza or something unhealthy, I’ll have them. But the next day, I’ll remind myself that I has quite a heavy meal yesterday and have to have something lighter today. No more fried food since I already had some. I try to balance out how I eat rather than going on a fast.”  

The cover star also added that “So I don’t have a cheat day. I eat a proper amount every day, and I’ll exercise the next day. I exercise by going on a 30-minute walk, walking my dog around my community, doing some yoga alongside a Youtube video, and stretching for 30 minutes. (Put her hand over her mouth) But I don’t really exercise nowadays because of the stress of the wedding. Whenever I’m seriously focusing on something, I won’t be able to do many other things at the same time.”

Professional Dessert Indulger Patricia Good Talks About Being a Dessert Lover

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