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Cover Story: Patricia Good Shares Her Perspective on Celebrating Life and Love In the Future

“I don’t force myself to be perfect because that’s impossible. Just be the way you are and be happy with everyone around you.” – Patricia Tanchanok Good

The online world is another space where many people find their income, outlet for creativity, and fame. But it is also a no man’s land where many people have to see their privacy in jeopardy. One of the people who came out of that storm stunningly is Patricia Tanchanok Good.

We celebrate the perspective on life and the prospective of love life of the 25-years old actress who is walking down the aisle this December with this month’s digital cover. We had a one-of-a-kind opportunity to sit down and talk to the soon-to-be bride about celebrating life every step of the way, both good and bad, and how she’s preparing for the love that will be knocking on her door soon.

Tell us what you were like as a kid.

I was a cheerful kid, a little stubborn, a little naughty, and a fun kid. I didn’t take life seriously. I hung out with my friends as every other kid did.

How did you create and celebrate happiness back then?

Special occasions; my father and mother put importance on birthdays every year. We visited my grandparents in England, visited my grandmother in Phuket, and we’re always celebrating every special occasion. Birthday, Christmas, we celebrate every event. That’s how I celebrate life, being with my family on every special occasion.

And as you grew up, how did you celebrate life? 

It changed a lot. When you’re grown up, you don’t pay attention to your birthday that much anymore. Now, it’s all about the small moments we experience every day that we should cherish. Honestly, I also think that it comes with age. As I grew older, I grew to appreciate these little moments, I realised that it’s more important than anything else. For me, it’s waking up at the beach while on vacation, lying down listening to the sound of waves, watching the sunset, eating delicious food, having a chocolate cake, and everything in between. It’s the thing right in front of you that you might have overlooked.

Can you share your current perspective on life? How has it changed from when you were younger?

It’s still the same, really, though, something might have shifted. When I was a student, I was very serious and a perfectionist. Everything had to be perfect. But as I grow older and step into another chapter of life, I don’t take life too seriously anymore, I just have fun with it, just have fun with everything I do. Feel how I want to feel. If I feel like crying, I’ll cry. If I’m having a bad day, then I have that bad day. I don’t force myself to be perfect because that’s impossible. Just be the way you are and be happy with everyone around you.

Has your fashion style changed as well? 

My style is the same. It’s quite funny [chuckles] because I’m a Leo and people say that Leos are quite the fashionista, but the fact is I don’t really know how to dress. I’m not a fashion girl, I enjoy watching people getting dressed up but I don’t know how. I gear towards something casual for the on-the-go. You won’t see me going out and about in a skirt that much, I always prefer either jeans or sweatpants or an oversized shirt. But when it comes to accessorising, I go all out. Maybe it’s because of the outfit. Every time I go out I’d wear just some jeans and a t-shirt with a watch, earrings, sometimes a bracelet, and now, a ring as well [smiles].

As a fan of accessories, do you have any pieces you want to recommend? 

Oh, it has to be this [puts her hand up], the Wave Collection from Gems Pavilion. You gotta get it as soon as possible. They’re boyishly chic. Personally, I like the fact that they’re delicate pieces a lot, moreover, you can stack these together as well. I can mix them with various outfits. If I’m wearing something girly, I can stack 3 pieces together. 

Back to the topic of life, how do you become stronger in an online world where anyone can say anything?

There’s nothing I can do [smiles]. If I read something that affects my feeling, of course, it’s going to hurt. I am a human. There’s no way I won’t feel it. But what I can do is let it go, and choose what you’ll acknowledge. That’s it. That’s how life is.

You’re taking the next step in a couple’s life together. How do you feel? 

Afraid, I feel afraid and excited. Not afraid in a bad way, but it’s the fear that I’m becoming an adult. It’s exciting. I want everything to turn out nicely, I want the moment after this to go smoothly, and I will put my all in.

Familial love and couple love, what are the differences and similarities? 

I thought that those were totally different. My family, we don’t express our love that much, not much hugging or saying ‘ I love you’, I didn’t grow up being coddled like that. So when I’m in a relationship, I thought that it has to be lovey-dovey. But as I grew up, I learned that love can be expressed in various ways towards your lover, your family, or your friends. It depends on what they find comfortable. But the thing that remains the same is the fact that love is about caring for one another, no matter who the other person is. 

What is a good kind of love, from your perspective? 

It’s about being cared for. Sometimes I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t want it. But it’s when I see how the other person takes the initiative to do things for you, how they remember little details about me. It’s the small things that make me feel cared for by that other person.

Tell us about the bridal preparation.

I am not getting ready that much, to be honest with you. People said I need to do the bridal beauty courses, but luckily, I work in the industry where taking care of myself is a regular routine, from visiting dermatology to getting a facial massage. But what I’ve been trying to do lately is portion control because I am a foodie. All the junk food, greasy food, fried food, dessert, I eat them all, I’m not a picky eater. So that’s why I have to try and eat less nowadays.

What’s your dream wedding? 

Honestly, I want a small wedding with a small number of guests. My friends, his friends, our families gather around on a beach. I grew up in Phuket, I lived with the waves and nature my whole life and I love it. But in reality, a beach wedding won’t happen [smiles]. 

Any future family plans? 

Not a plan per se. Whatever happens, happens.

Cover Story: Patricia Good Shares Her Perspective on Celebrating Life and Love In the Future

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