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Mario Maurer on his role as the villain in ‘Khun Pan 3’

Mario Maurer gives us an inside scoop on his new role in the film ‘Khun Pan 3,’ where he plays a villain for the first time.

Set in the 1950s, when the country was still affected by war, famine was on the rise. To survive, the southern bandits, known as Suas, would collaborate to rob wealthy families and give back to the community. However, they are being hunted on the side of the law, but what is truly right and wrong? That being said, we had the chance to interview an actor who is known as the protagonist in many movies and series. Today, he is here to tell us what it was like to play one of the bandits, the main antagonist in ‘Khun Pan 3.’ Read on for what Mario Maurer has to say about the movie, the challenges he faced, and the experiences he gained along the way.

The role you are playing in this film is quite new to you. Did you face any challenges as an actor?

There were many challenges, but it was exciting because I’ve never played the villain before. My character is one of the Sua (tiger). It’s an old term people used to call bad guys, thieves, and playboys. Despite being a bandit as the Suas robbed people, they did not keep the goods for themselves because they have a strict ideology and needed to take care of their community. As I played Sua Mahesuan, I had to change many outfits and go in disguise in some scenes because I was an outlaw. Other challenges I faced were the action scenes. I had to learn how to ride a horse and the special effects for this production were intense. I had no stunt double too.


You said there was a lot of preparation for this movie and there are some romantic and action scenes. 

Yes, there is a bit of romance because, being a Sua, we’re known to be playboys. We behave a bit flirty and sexual.


How was working with Ananda Everingham?

I’ve been a fan of this movie since the first and second sequels. I never thought I would have the chance to work with Ananda, who is my idol. I have always thought if it is not Ananda, who would be Khun Pan? However, once I was a part of this movie, I realised it’s intense because even after we’re done shooting, it’s never truly over. We would be filming for many days until morning. With the location as well, it can be difficult to travel back.

What did you learn from Ananda whilst filming?

I’ve always watched his work, especially ‘Khun Pan.’ It is a unique movie that Ananda is in. I like the storyline and, in general, action movies, because there are only a few of these types of films in Thailand.

After being involved in this production, I like Ananda even more because he is literally Khun Pan. There is no need for him to act like his character anymore because he is him. Although I’ve known him for a while and seen him around, I still get nervous on set, so I sometimes mess up my lines. Ananda also helps me get immersed into my role more easily, either with the costumes or the environment. I also really need to thank the director, Khom, for that because it doesn’t matter how hot it was as this set was necessary for the movie and with the help of the team and directors, once you get in the car to go on set, you already feel like you’re in that era. Even just wearing the costumes makes it feel like you’re in a different world, which is exciting.


Do you believe in superstitions?

It is half-half for me. I believe there is something out there because it’s all about beliefs, especially when it’s been ingrained in many people’s cultures for centuries. These superstitions are storytelling passed on from generation to generation. So, you can’t deny it because “kata,” magic spells and witchcraft, do happen in real life. Our kata team members even say spells and are not chanting random lines. When you read the script, they are actually real incantations. It might not happen, but the spells are real. As I play Sua Mahesuan, I own a gold Mahesuan amulet, and when I do the chants, I can get super invested to the point that my teeth can break. So sometimes, I have to lower the intensity of my chanting.


What is the best part of playing in Khun Pan?

The team and the storyline. Just listening to and watching videos on YouTube about Khun Pan just takes me somewhere and makes me excited, like, “wow, he uses this spell to catch robbers?” Yet, you also have to remember that the robbers have their own spells, too, so it’s like they’re fighting with each other through magic. It’s not one-sided, where only one person knows a magical chant — everybody has their own spells and teachers. This is why this story is interesting; it’s like Khun Pan is the superhero of Thailand who is on the side of the law, whilst I play an outlaw, the bad guy.

After you finished shooting, did you ever feel like a particular scene could be performed a different way?

There are so many scenes, but I always put my all in every time I shoot, so no. Of course, there are some scenes I’ve started where I wasn’t in character yet, but Khom, our director, is always there to look for these things.


Have you ever watched your own work and wished you could go back and redo a scene?

No, because I gave my all at that moment. I gave 100%. I never think like that because I would live in pity if I did.


What characters would you like to play in the future?

I am open to everything because if I am a good actor, I can play any role, especially if it’s different from previous roles. Also, I always want to do something different because when it’s challenging, I am able to learn more and evolve as an actor. In which this role was the most difficult because I’ve never played a thief in my entire acting career. It was so thrilling and nerve-wracking when the director called me. I never thought I would get to play this type of role, especially for ‘Khun Pan 3.’ Also, you can never guess what could happen during filming, so I sometimes had to improvise.


Why should people watch this movie?

‘Khun Pan 3’ is the final part of this infamous movie. It is one of the films I have done that I felt thrilled to perform in. I put in so much effort to play this role, and I’m grateful to have been a part of this production. I suggest people watch the first and second sequels first, so they can enjoy the trilogy without any confusion. There are also huge actors and actresses like Ananda Everingham, Fah Sarika, Tono Phakin, Philip Thinroj, and so on starring in this film. The team has also put in all their effort during production. I promise that this movie is super entertaining, and viewers will like it, especially Khun Pan fans. However, if you have never watched ‘Khun Pan,’ let’s have fun together on 2 March this year in theatres.

Mario Maurer on his role as the villain in ‘Khun Pan 3’

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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