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Everything Plengkwan eats in a day

Being both a model and an actress means taking special care of yourself. Therefore, discipline is the key to success, even on cheat days, says Plengkwan. 

After a fun chit-chat with Nattaya ‘Plengkwan‘ Thongsaen, the model and actress told us about her life in the entertainment industry and the importance of discipline. With aspirations to excel in her two careers, she must remain healthy and fit, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. “I plan to exercise more this year because my workout motivation declined. After COVID-19 happened, I couldn’t go to the gym at all. I was only exercising in my room. During that time, I would only eat and sleep, which was bad. So this year, I am focusing on sculpting my body to the best it can be.” As Plengkwan is the face of LSA’s March Digital Cover, she is here to share what she eats daily, even with her busy schedule. Ever wondered what a talented boss lady eats? Read on to find out. 


Decreasing carbs while increasing vegetables 

“Nowadays, I have been eating really well compared to before. I don’t consume any fried foods, and I eat fewer carbs. When I eat rice, I choose to eat less of it. I have also increased my vegetable intake.” Surprisingly, Plengkwan has also told us that she doesn’t eat clean all the time. All she did was change her eating habits by consuming beneficial foods that gave her energy. “I’ve been eating nuts. If it makes me gain weight, that’s fine; at least it’s healthy.” 

Besides changing her way of eating, she has also changed her thinking. “Before, I never really cared because I thought I’d avoid wearing shorts if I gained weight on my legs. However, I had to change that mindset to be confident to show my legs. I want beautiful legs, so if I eat better, I’ll find the passion for getting in shape.”


Eating three balanced meals 

Shaping the body to your desires isn’t only about eating less. It’s about eating three balanced meals and choosing the right kinds of foods. As Plengkwan told us, she would have a heavy breakfast for more energy. However, she has shifted to consuming whey protein to build muscle. “I’ve been drinking only whey protein in the morning. It energises and makes me feel full longer, especially when I exercise or work in the morning.”

After asking what her favourite meal was, she said it was yellow curry with bamboo shoots, embracing the southern girl inside her. She also told us she is a great cook, especially when it comes to yellow curry. She likes to show off her skills to her friends and said the secret is the curry paste her grandparents send directly from the south.


Having a cheat day doesn’t mean overindulgence

To love yourself means discipline, but that doesn’t equate to not rewarding your body with what it deserves, especially on cheat days. For the model and actress, her heart goes to shabu. “During cheat days, I go straight to shabu. I don’t enjoy barbecue as much because it takes too long to cook [laughs]. But for real, even though it’s a cheat day, I don’t overindulge. There needs to be balance.” Other than shabu, she loves fast food because who doesn’t love burgers and pizza? “I love fast food, but I need to be disciplined with my eating habits right now. I want a strong and sculpted body, so I must stop consuming unhealthy foods.”

Another trick she told us is that she stopped eating crispy snacks. To satiate her cravings, Plengkwan has freeze-dried strawberries instead. If it’s nighttime, she opts for fresh fruits. “Our bodies are smart. If we change our eating habits within a few days, our bodies will remember and adapt.”


Regular exercise

With disciplined eating habits, Plengkwan also knows she should eat nutritious meals 80% of the time. “I think I have done these techniques so often it has become a habit, so it’s not hard. I used to love making excuses for myself. I would say clean food is expensive, hard to find, and not delicious. But in reality, you can do it. Everything that I said was a mere excuse.” 

Besides eating, the other 20% goes to exercise to see results. “I focus on weight training and indoor spin classes. I exercise with my girl gang, and when it comes to spin classes, it is so fun with them! Other than that, I do some cardio, such as running. All my exercises are indoors because Thailand is so hot.”

Everything Plengkwan eats in a day

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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