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Apps everyone in Bangkok should have on their phones

Life in Bangkok is a constant cruel and hateful state of being, but some apps on your phone definitely help. Here are the must-have apps you should download in Bangkok.

Being in Bangkok is quite a unique—there’s always a lot going on at all times. Luckily, there are a lot of apps, many made by Thai people, to help you navigate through this big traffic jam we call a city.

[Hero and Featured Image Credit: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash]

Must-have apps in Bangkok every tourist and Bangkokian should download


Out of the different modes of transportation that Bangkok offers, many would agree that the bus system is one of the most complicated ones to really get used to. Sometimes many routes take you to the same destinations, but how much longer would you have to wait for a specific bus? This app will take care of all those problems. Just fill in your destination and let the app tell you which routes you have to take, as well as how long you have to wait.


Bangkok is filled with great food, and we love great food—so much so that we can wait for hours before actually sitting down and indulging. QueQ offers a streamlined, simple process to queue up for restaurants while you go chill and wait somewhere else. While it doesn’t feature many local spots, you can find the majority of mall restaurants in there. Gone are the days swarming BBQ Plaza when they have buffet deals.


Thailand has a very large, distinct motorcycle culture, in the sense that we consider motorbikes as public transportation, and that it’s very common to take the motorbike basically anywhere. Just call a Grab bike and you’re set. If it’s your first time, then just hang on for dear life. The Grab app also offers other very handy services from food delivery to personal messenger services.


This app holds a special place for everyone who frequents the skytrain system. Khee is basically a large map with community-based additions, where people can look up the nearest toilet. Their tagline is “pin a toilet, be a hero,” and we thank them for their service.


A Thai phone number not only comes with great responsibility, it also comes with a frequent, annoying swarm of scam calls. Government impersonation, romance scams—we have it all. Whoscall allows the number to be identified before you pick up. It’s also great for avoiding random sales calls, because we’re sure you don’t need another TV box.


While the rest of the world is going digital, a large portion of Thailand’s governmental sectors still require physical copies of your documents. ClearScanner provides you an easy way to get a digital file to print out later—just take a photo using your phone camera and everything will be rendered just like going to the shop.


When you hear that song at the club and you want to know the name, Shazam is a huge help. It has an automatic history log so after using the app to listen to the songs you like, you can add those songs to your playlist even the morning after.

Apps everyone in Bangkok should have on their phones

Vichayuth Chantan

Digital Writer, Drinks and Dining

Writer by day and skinny legend by night, Vichayuth focuses on the hospitality industry of Thailand. You'll often find him at a bar finding new friends, discovering new drinks, and silently judging you from across the room.

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