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The world’s safest city for tourists is in Asia, according to a new ranking

In a recent ranking of the safest cities in the world, Asia is home to two of the top three spots. Whilst Bangkok unfortunately does not rank within the top 10, here’s a closer look at the safest cities for tourists — and the riskiest cities for tourists, too.

From the weather to the cost of accommodation to local activities and transport options, many factors are taken into account by travellers when considering their next destination. But safety is another significant aspect, even if it’s harder to measure. But, in a recent ranking, Singapore has been named the world’s least dangerous destination for tourists.

Political instability and terrorist attacks are notorious for scaring tourists away. In 2015, the terrorist attack in Sousse was devastating for the Tunisian tourism sector, whose losses were estimated at €450 million as a result of vacation cancellations alone. At the time, Tunisia was already suffering significant economic damage as a result of the Jasmine Revolution. Between 2010 and 2015 alone, the number of foreign tourists welcomed over the year had fallen from 7 to 5 million.

The world’s safest city for tourists is in Asia, according to a new ranking

safest cities for tourists singapore
Image Credit: Peter Nguyen/Unsplash

Research by Forbes Advisor will be of great interest to travellers who dream of visiting exotic destinations without putting their safety at risk. The analysis focuses solely on security aspects, taking into account metrics including the travel safety rating provided by the US State Department, the crime risk per city from Numbeo, and personal security risk data from The Economist, (how at-risk citizens are from crime, violence, terrorist threats, natural disasters and economic vulnerabilities). The research compares 60 destinations worldwide.

In the end, Singapore emerges as the world’s safest city destination, ahead of Tokyo (Japan) and Toronto (Canada). In terms of the assessed risk level, Singapore scores 0 out of 100, according to Forbes Advisor. Conversely, Caracas in Venezuela, scores 100 out of 100, topping the list as the most risky city for tourists.

But not everywhere in Asia scores so well. Karachi in Pakistan is the second least safe city for tourists (93.12), and Yangon in Burma is third, with a measured risk of 91.67 out of 100.

Europe, on the other hand, is not considered a dangerous destination. The top riskiest destinations don’t appear until the 26th position, with Italy represented by Milan (26th) and Rome (28th). Paris, France, is 31st. However, other European cities, such as Zurich, Copenhagen and Amsterdam, are ranked among the safest in the world.

is caracas venezuela safe for tourist? this ranking says no
Image Credit: Leonardo Guillen/Unsplash

Top 10 most risky cities in the world for tourists

  1. Caracas (Venezuela)
  2. Karachi (Pakistan)
  3. Yangon (Burma)
  4. Lagos (Nigeria)
  5. Manila (Philippines)
  6. Dhaka (Bangladesh)
  7. Bogotá (Colombia)
  8. Cairo (Egypt)
  9. Mexico City (Mexico)
  10. Quito (Ecuador)
safest cities for tourists singapore
Image Credit: BNA Ignacio/Unsplash

Top 10 least risky cities in the world for tourists

  1. Singapore
  2. Tokyo (Japan)
  3. Toronto (Canada)
  4. Sydney (Australia)
  5. Zurich (Switzerland)
  6. Copenhagen (Denmark)
  7. Seoul (South Korea)
  8. Osaka (Japan)
  9. Melbourne (Australia)
  10. Amsterdam (Netherlands)

This story is published via AFP Relaxnews.

The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.

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The world’s safest city for tourists is in Asia, according to a new ranking

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