Home > Travel > Heads up, gamers: Abu Dhabi is building the very first esports island
Heads up, gamers: Abu Dhabi is building the very first esports island

The island will definitely have little to no people on its streets. Here’s what we know about Abu Dhabi’s esports island.

The UAE has been busy making a lot of developments, from their F1 track to a Dragon Ball Z theme park. It’s not like it’s lacking in any luxuries but clearly, they don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Another development that’s kicking off is in Abu Dhabi. This time, however, it’s for the people who like the indoors. Abu Dhabi is building the very first island dedicated solely to esports. Expect a lot of gaming chairs and energy drinks.

[Hero image: True Gamers]

Abu Dhabi is set to become the home of the first esports island

Image credit: True Gamers

The USD 280 million project is being led by True Gamers, a global network of esports clubs. Well, that amount is what they’ve initially invested. According to Wired, that amount is expected to go up to a whopping USD 1 billion once it’s completed. One of the main highlights of the island is the True Gamers (TG) Arena, which will not just accommodate esports competitions but can also host conferences and exhibitions. The arena will come with an array of different gaming platforms from PCs to consoles and even driving simulators.

The Digital Tower is set to be a venue for young programmers and animators to work and improve on their craft. Despite their expertise in pulling all-nighters, these gamers will still need a place to rest. That’s where the aptly named GG Resort comes in, complete with 200 rooms each with their own gaming computers when gamers want to call it GGs. 

Image credit: True Gamers

This esports island isn’t the only gaming-themed attraction being developed in the Middle East. Qiddiya City, the entertainment megaproject in Saudi Arabia, is also set to have its very own esports district. Evidently, gamers will be spoiled for choice in the region. 

There’s no info yet on when Abu Dhabi’s esports island will open to the public so keep your eyes peeled for news. 


Heads up, gamers: Abu Dhabi is building the very first esports island

Eric E. Surbano

Senior Writer, Entertainment

Eric can be found lost in his own world jamming with headphones on while writing when he's not prepping for a DnD session or researching 'Star Wars' galactic history on Wookiepedia. A proud Ravenclaw, he loves playing (and writing about) video games, humming the 'Doctor Who' theme under his breath, and rewatching 'Friends', 'New Girl', and 'The West Wing'.

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