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Mother is mothering: 6 forever young beauty tips from real mothers

Just like we age, our skin will too. Here are some of the best beauty tips from mothers.

Ageing is inevitable. We’ll all wrinkle and sag one day, and although looking forever young is impossible, slowing down the effects of the ageing process isn’t. It is well-known that prevention is key if you want to age well, and it is best to start young. But where do we begin? So many fad trends online tell us what’s good and what’s not. One day this product is excellent; the next, people cancel it. With that, we’ve asked six mothers for their beauty secrets for looking forever young, because mothers always know best

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6 forever young beauty tips from mothers

Image Credit: Freepik


We’ve all heard about how important sunscreen is, as it’s one of the essential anti-ageing tips. Whether you’re staying indoors or heading outside, applying sunscreen every day is vital. “You’re exposed to UV radiation all year around. Not protecting your skin can cause sun damage, skin cancer, premature ageing, and more. It’s also great to reapply it throughout the day. Also, pat, never rub. This is for even coverage.” 

Investing in premium skincare 

Although there may be a debate that having good skin doesn’t mean using expensive products, this mum said investing in a high-quality cream does help. “I’ve been using La Prairie since 1995. Their rejuvenation and eye creams are my best secrets for youthful skin.” Despite this cream costing over $1,000, one can see the appeal of using premium brands. More than just a product; it’s an experience. As low-cost skin goods can feel tacky or sticky, higher-quality ones can induce a more elegant feel. Plus, brands like La Prairie have been researching extensively for years to ensure their products’ effectiveness and safety—no wonder they’re known for being a pioneer in anti-ageing skincare. 

Image Credit: Pexels / Anna Tarazevich

Coffee scrubs

For those who make coffee at home and don’t know what to do with the leftover grounds, this mother has a helpful tip. “I love coffee, but I always thought, what a waste to put the grounds in the bin. So I did some research. I found that coffee is excellent for your skin, especially for cellulite. I do a scrub twice a week where I get my leftover coffee grounds and mix it with freshly squeezed lemon, honey, and coconut oil. Don’t use this mix in the sun, though, because lemon can give you dark spots.” 

Using a retinol lotion 

If you use TikTok, you’ve probably heard about the retinol craze these past few years. However, this mother has been using it for over ten years and swears by it. Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin in the vitamin A family. It stimulates collagen, increases skin cell production, and aids in unclogging pores. “Retinol is my holy grail. Putting a bit under my eyes, cheek, forehead, neck, and chest has helped me with my fine lines and wrinkles. Years ago, when I first started retinol, my skin was purging, but that’s normal when using new ingredients. Do some research before or talk to a dermatologist if you’re interested. Everyone’s skin is different.”

Cutting back from alcohol

It is a no-brainer that alcohol affects our gut; even our fifth mum has something to say. “I used to drink wine almost daily, especially in my 20s. When I was drinking often, my skin was dull and dehydrated. My gut was terrible too. Now, I barely drink, and my complexion is so much better. I feel I’ve aged backwards. I also changed my diet. It’s all about what you put in your body.” 

Image Credit: Freepik

It’s all about the mindset 

“If you think you’re old, you’ll act old. It will be manifested. But, if you persevere and keep going, your body and mind will keep you going. I’m 72 years old, and I believe that my mentality keeps me young. I went on a trip with my family, and although I could be in a wheelchair, I decided to walk. Age is just a state of mind to me. For example, the more I walk and use my muscles, the longer I have to not depend on a wheelchair. Also, start stressing less, that gives you wrinkles. ” 

Mother is mothering: 6 forever young beauty tips from real mothers

Drinking is best during the day, especially when at brunch. If she's not working, catch her at the gym or socializing with friends. An introvert extrovert at heart. She's a Capricorn.

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