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Self-Care Sunday: how Note Panayanggool starts her day

Our July digital cover star — queen of effortless cool, Note Panayanggool — gives us a breakdown of her daily routine.

They say if you want to change the world, start by making your bed every morning. 

Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t. Either way, here’s what we do know — how you start your day matters. Regardless of whether it’s exercise, meditation, or just unsweetened black coffee, having some form of a daily routine can go a long way. This is where Self Care Sunday comes in — a column where we sit down with some of the city’s most influential lifestyle gurus, to talk about how they like to kick start their day. 

This month, as we celebrate the launch of our July digital cover, we had a quick chat with the charismatic artist, musician, and environmental conservationist Note Panayanggool, to get the lowdown on her daily routine. From her daily meditations to her love for green tea, we run through a day with the multi-talented creative influencer.

Start your day off right

For someone who prefers to “go with the flow” than stick to a routine, Note tells us that one of the few things she’s maintained on a daily basis is her morning meditations. “I like meditating first thing when I wake up. I think that’s the best time to set your intentions for the day ahead.” 

While meditation apps and guided journeys are all the rage right now, Note believes they aren’t necessary to achieve the spiritual well-being she seeks. “When I meditate, I don’t need it to last an hour or anything like that,” she explains, “If I feel at peace within the first one to two minutes, then that’s already enough for me.” To her, consistency is key. “If you’re planning to do something every day, it doesn’t have to last super long, as long as you know you can sustain it. For me, finding that feeling of lightness and feeling it continuously for a minute or two, I think that’s more than enough.” 

Take the time to breathe

Instead of hurrying up and jumping straight into whatever is on the schedule, Note advises taking a moment to “breathe, and feel the good energy in your body.” When stressed, she shares that breathwork and visualisation can really help do the trick. “Picture a white healing light,” she explains, “that really helps for me, meditating and visualising, along with breathing. Long, deep inhalations and exhalations can really help get you relaxed in any situation.” 

On days when she’s feeling exceptionally anxious, Note would look up Wim Hof’s breathing exercises on YouTube. “They really help ground me,” she tells us, adding jokingly that she hasn’t quite mastered the ice baths just yet. Same here, Note, we’re still working on those too. 

A quick shower & red lippy are all you really need

For someone with such flawless skin, it came as a pretty big surprise to find out that Note’s morning routine — skincare and beauty-wise — is pretty much a one-step ritual. 

“I’m super fast with showering, getting ready, and all that stuff,” she tells us with a laugh. “In the morning I just wash my face with water, and that’s it. My makeup routine is also really quick. Just one lipstick and I’m ready to go.”

Health is wealth (and so are rest-days)

When it comes to exercise, Note admits to having a somewhat sporadic fitness schedule, though she does try to keep it consistent and stay healthy. “The perfect routine would be exercising three days a week, but sometimes I can’t do that, so once a week is already pretty good for me during my lazy phases,” she jokes. “When I’m in a really active phase, that goes up to three to four times a week, though.”

Don’t rush the wind-down

Though she likes keeping her morning routine fuss-free, Note makes sure to set aside time to unwind before bed. “I’ve trained my body to be sleepy when I read, so I can’t fall asleep without reading anymore,” she says with a laugh. 

As for skincare, Note confesses to spending more time on this than on her makeup. “I would put on three layers of cream before bed every night. Instead of focusing on how to cover my acne, or scars on my face, I prefer to focus on how to heal them.”

All images courtesy of IG @notep.

Self-Care Sunday: how Note Panayanggool starts her day

Digital creator by day and pseudo bar-owner by night, Milo has a deep-rooted love for black coffee, astro charts, and listening to entire albums in one go. When not trying to make it to five places at once or out having brunch, you’ll catch her travelling, reading, and scouring the city for the perfect bagel.

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